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The Dragonborn Has No Tongue (Elder Scrolls) by modji-33, literature

Figments Of Our Imagination. by d-poof, literature

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comm story Dark secret government breeding farm hi this is a pokemon story based on dark and erotic setting.the story will be divided into 3 parts.....commission for anonymous.This is a world where each trainer travels the world with their Pokemon, training, challenging gyms, becoming strong to grow their bond with their Pokemon, and then face the ultimate battle against the Pokemon League champion.An organization whose true identity is unknown, hides in the shadow of everyone and the rest of the world.The organization wants to exploit the Pokemon League for their evil plans, selling eggs to create new, super-powerful Pokemon and then manipulating the Pokemon League.At the Pokemon League they conduct experiments and for this reason, every morning material arrives in warehouses that hide strange packages, that is, strange goods that arrive from another unknown country; these packages contain a strange secret formula that is used to transform human beings into super powerful Pokemon and for this reason so much experimentation is done on them.When a human being receives this mysterious egg in his hands, a strange alarm goes off or it produces a very loud sound and immediately afterwards steam or a strange gas begins to escape which completely envelops the human being, thus breathing this substance after a while it circulates throughout the body and so after a while you begin to notice strange phenomena in your body and mind, thus phases of transformation begin in which the body manifests strange changes and then the transformation is carried out successfully.The League then, a scientist shows his experiment in which during these phases the mind begins to have both auditory and visual hallucinations and subsequently other strange mental phenomena are amplified and which cannot be explained.At the end of the transformation, some organizations and terrorist groups wanted to take it over for their evil plans; but some scientists did not agree because they did not know if the transformation had had any side effects, so some scientists wanted to cancel and cancel the experiment, at a certain point some scientists began to disobey the orders they were given, in the end they spray was sprayed on them to prevent them from fleeing and they were given orders that were given against their will.Ash travels with his partner May...In a quiet village the annual festival was in full swing.<> says Vera, << yes I'm coming, how many other shops do you have to show me around? >> Ash replies; before reaching his partner he sees a person he knows << Pikachu that's Misty, let's go and say hello to her, we haven't seen her in a long time. >> In the end Misty joins together with Ash.<> says Misty, so in the end Ash, Misty and May find a place to stay for the night.<< How strange it seemed to me that I saw a shadow, I must have been wrong. >> Ash says a little confused.<< There are only two rooms >> Ash was thinking of a solution.<> Vera replied.At that point everyone went to their rooms, but suddenly strange noises were heard in the house, coming from the kitchen...Strange footsteps approached Ash's roommates; suddenly we heard the sound of a moving vase rolling, it was almost about to fall, suddenly it was stopped by a suspicious shadow.<>……. << Ah sorry, it's just too dark that I can't see anything. >> …….. << Sshhh silence >>.Ash was woken up by the sound of the windows from the strong wind slamming, so he went into the kitchen << I really want a glass of milk, to sleep better >> said Ash, immediately afterwards he headed to his room to sleep.The two still unknown shadows were in front of the door of the two girls' bedroom, at which point Vera was woken up by the creaking of a noise; but at first she thought it was Ash, since she was still sleepy <>In that moment the girls were put to sleep with a handkerchief with some sleeping pill <The sun was rising. Ash was sleeping with Pikachu, but suddenly a strange noise was heard << crashh >> at that moment Pikachu was woken up by the noise << Pika! >> exclaimed Pikachu, who got out of bed and left the room, went through the door of the room to head into the kitchen, when he got there he found some shards of the destroyed vase, but he didn't understand how it broke; immediately afterwards he inspected the kitchen to see if everything was okay and finally went to wake up his coach…….<< Pika, Pika, Pikachu……>>Pikachu tried in every way to make him wake up, but he couldn't, so in the end he used his attack against him, which was the shock thunder that completely burned him until he woke up...<< Pikachu, what's wrong with you >> said Ash, as soon as he woke up.<< Pika, Pika... >> replied Pikachu who was very agitated and took him to the kitchen.<< Ah, the vase broke, maybe it was put in a bad way and it must have fallen accidentally >> Ash replied, heading towards the fridge to have breakfast.<< Come Pikachu, here's your breakfast, I know you like it a lot. >> Ash served breakfast to Pikachu; so he started by putting his breakfast on the table, a glass of milk and cereals << this is the best breakfast I prefer >> said Ash...After that much noise made by Pikachu and Ash, still no trace of the girls, << strange, but are Misty and May still sleeping? In a few hours we should already start going >> said Ash, while he was enjoying his breakfast, he asked Pikachu to wake them up and Pikachu was very happy to go to their room.<< Pikaaa…. >> replied Pikachu, who ran into the girls' room out of enthusiasm, but...Pikachu found himself in front of the room, opened it and suddenly found it empty, which at that point became confused as to where the girls are; maybe they went to the bathroom? Or maybe to get a breath of fresh air and some sun?So Pikachu checked the bathrooms, but nothing happened, he went into the living room, but they weren't there either, he went out of the house to call them, but no trace; at that point Pikachu went to Ash to warn him.<< Pika, Pika >> said Pikachu, he started gesturing very quickly, <> said Ash, so Pikachu took him to the girls' room, so at that point he showed Ash that the girls aren't there.<< Strange that they aren't there, yet their backpacks are still here >> said Ash who at that point started calling them << Misty, May......, where are you? >> Ash called them, but no response, at which point Pikachu noticed some strange footprints with a bit of mud and a strange handkerchief on the ground, who at that point called his trainer.<> replied Ash, who at that precise moment both understood that they had been kidnapped by someone, but it is not clear who or what...<< Pikachu we have to go, there's not a minute to waste. >> said Ash.Ash together with Pikachu went outside leaving their apartment, to head to the nearest Pokemon center……..Ash is inside a Pokemon center, where he was on a call with his mother and Professor Oak.<< Pikachu, we'll be on the line with mom soon. >> said Ash, at that moment he was very upset about the disappearance of his companions.<< Pika, Pika …….. Pikaaaa.>> Pikachu replied, he was in a hurry to go and save them.The screen turns on showing Delia Ketchum along with Professor Oak and Mr.Mime.<< Hi Ash, how is your coaching journey going? What's wrong, I see you're a little worried? >> the mother asked, seeing her son's very sad face.<< Not good, I was refueling for the trip. For now this is not the important thing. >> Ash replied.<< Pikachu, what's wrong? >> his mother asked, seeing that he was sad too.<< Mime Mime >> Mr.Mime was trying to mime something.<< Ash, have you caught any new Pokemon species? >> asked Professor Oak.<< Professor Oak, Misty and May have disappeared >> said Ash, he was very agitated.<> replied Professor Oak.Professor Oak thus begins to warn him of a strange event, that is, that an evil organization that not much is known about them, is presumed to have something to do with the disappearance of his friends, including Misty and May and that their disappearance they were last seen at the breeding ranch.Oak so sends Ash to investigate and do some investigating.Suddenly the video call signal starts to have disturbances.The signal is interrupted due to a fault, sparks and smoke begin to come out; Ash is caught by surprise after the signal is lost.Ash and Pikachu leave the Pokemon Center, then the nurses call a police officer for the car breakdown; So much smoke and sparks begin to come out that the nurse opens the windows, evacuating everyone from the building.Boooooommmm……… the building exploded Ash was thrown to the ground after the explosion because of this Pikachu was injured and a nurse came to his rescue to treat him, so Pikachu recovered in an instant.The trainer together with his Pikachu leave the Pokemon center to head to the breeding ranch.Meanwhile, in another place exactly at the Pokemon League in a secret laboratory they are conducting mysterious investigations with a strange organization that acts in the shadows. 

Ralph il Clown Solleticatore 2, terrore continuaI ragazzi entrano nella casa degli orrori e da subito ne rimangono stupiti .Infatti, mentre tutto il resto del Luna Park è diroccato ed in rovina, nella Casa degli orrori tutto è pulito e curato.Entrano nelle varie stanze horror del piano terra quali la stanza delle torture, la stanza dei mostri, poi una stanza che riproduce perfettamente lo chalet del film Evil Dead 2, ma anche in una stanza laboratorio di Frankestein.Tutto è perfettamente in ordine e tutti gli animatronics, all'ingresso dei ragazzi in ogni stanza, si azionano facendo più volte spaventare Charlie o Sarah.Ma anche a Monica che nel vedere, nella stanza delle torture, un boia animatronics che gira l'argano di un tavolaccio di stiramento allungando una prigioniera, sempre animatronics, che si dibatte e lamenta .Ma ciò che la impaurisce di più è vedere un'altra boia, molto più piccolo, un nano, che con una piuma fa il solletico ai piedi nudi, intrappolati nella gogna del tavolaccio, della prigioniera animatronics mentre lei, dibattendosi, ride a crepapelle." Oddio che cosa inquietanteSe ci fosse una persona intrappolata in questo tavolaccio la torturerebbero veramente questi sadici robot -Sandra ed Amy osservano la terribile scena e anche loro innoridiscono e poi, entrambe, vedono, ad un lato della stanza, un tavolaccio dove una ragazza animatronics vestita in stile anni 20 del 900.Lei è strettamente legata con cinghie di cuoio e da un rubinetto in alto, nella parete, gli cadono delle gocce d'acqua nella fronte, mentre un animatronics torturatore cinese gli punzecchia e le solletica le piante dei piedi con dei bastoncini appuntiti .Amy indietreggia a vedere la scena e ha i brividi nella schiena- Dio mio questa...questa è la terribile tortura cinese!!!!Il solletico sotto i piedi con i bastoncini chiamato il "Tormento Celeste" e la implacabile tortura della "goccia cinese "Brrrr anche qui se qualcuno fosse intrappolato soffrirebbeTutto qui è fatto per torturare per davvero -Tutti escono dalla stanza ed ognuno va a riposare nelle stanze superiori, infatti, stranamente, sin da quando erano nel caravan avevano avuto segni di stanchezza, ma ora quasi si stavano addormentando in piedi.Frank, con il suo carattere da leader, rassicura ed organizza come procedere- Ragazzi dobbiamo riposare, ho paura che nel fumo della radio del caravan ci fosse qualche sostanza soporifera blandaMa non dobbiamo essere incoscienti, ci dividiamo a coppie e mentre uno riposa un'oretta l'altro vigila e poi viceversaIo e Sarah prenderemo quella stanza a sinistra, tu Charlie, insieme a Monica questa centrale e voi, Sandra ed Amy, quella a destraVoi fate arti marziali, non c'è bisogno che nessun uomo vi protegga. ..E Frank guardando la giunonica Monica con a fianco Charlie si corresse- ehm mi sa che neanche Monica ha quel problema e difenderà lei a CharlieAh ah ah -Charlie arrossisce alle parole di Frank mentre Monica gli fa un occhiolino e tutti entrano nelle loro stanze.Passano due ore ea mezzanotte tutti sentono i rintocchi dell'enorme pendolo che sta nell'andito delle tre camere .Frank sorveglia la porta mentre Sarah cerca di riposare nel letto, comunque sveglia che ascolta ogni suono.Anche Monica sorveglia la porta della loro stanza mentre Charlie dorme profondamente russandoMa tutte e due le coppie, nelle loro stanze, sobbalzano a due urla terrificanti .Frank e Monica riconoscono che le urla sono di Sandra ed Amy e si precipitano in camera loro.La porta è bloccata e con una spallata Frank la apre cui subito dopo si fionda dentro Monica in posizione di combattimento ma ....Ma dentro non trova nessuno.Ne le due ragazze, cui gli stivaletti neri sono ancora nel pavimento, ne chiunque o cosa abbia visto.Frank però nota delle nel pavimento, come il segno di unghie che cercano di aggrapparsi ei segni portano tracce sotto il letto.Frank e Monica si guardano negli occhi e poi insieme spostano il pesante lettone trovando una botola nel pavimento.Frank la apre e vede solo un tunnel verticale buio.Lui si rialza ed indietreggia.- Monica qui si mette maschioSe Sandra ed Amy sono state prese da quello psicopatico di Clown le torturera' atrocemente con il solleticoDobbiamo trovarle prima che soltanto le sfiori, o io giuro che gli faccio veramente male -Monica annuisce e subito si dividono in due squadre .Frank e Sarah girano tutte le stanze del piano terra mentre Monica e Charlie la soffitta.Nessuno di loro trova niente finché Charlie non nota una cosa vicino alla canna fumaria in soffitta.Li ci sono due finestre di forma ad un quarto di cerchio e lui, indiettreggiando, capisce cosa gli ricordano.- Oh Monica guarda!!! Ecco cosa mi ricordava questa casaÈ la copia di quella di Amityville HorrorAh ah ahadesso ci manca qualche essere demoniaco e siamo a postoEh eh eh ....ehi? Monica? Perché non mi rispondi?E girandosi a guardare la ragazza vede Monica legata ed imbavagliata in una sedia che guarda verso Charlie impaurita e lui, ora con i brividi alla schiena, si gira e dietro di sé si ritrova davanti gigantesco pupazzo demoniaco gigante che a molla esce da una grandissima scatola giocattolo con le ruote.Lui, per istinto, si protegge con le mani mentre il pupazzo lo ghermisce.Sarah e Frank sentono un urlo disumano e si precipitano in soffitta ma non trovano a nessuno.Sarah triste abbassa lo sguardo, tutti i loro amici sono stati catturati e non sanno che fine abbiano fatto ma poi inizia a sentire ridere e lamentarsi.Lei riconosce la risata di Monica, che ridendo fa sempre un versetto tipo ihhscch ihihschh e ascoltando trova il punto dove sente la risata dell'amica.Lei si arrampica in una sedia e spostati degli oggetti trova una grata di un grande condotto di aerazione.Frank si avvicina e con forza lo apre- Senti Frank? Questa è la risata di Monica!!!Le stanno facendo sicuramente il solleticoMa sento anche lamentarsi Charlie e quei ahi ahi ohi è AmyDio mio, che le staranno facendo?-Frank ascolta attentamente anche lui e sente anche Sandra ridacchiare e anche lei dire ahi ohi .- Dio mio SarahForse ho capitoSono nella stanza delle torture con gli animatronicsCharlie ogni tanto si lamenta oltre ridere perché dev'essere nel tavolaccio di stiramento, lui è basso e lo hanno messo lì tipo per prenderlo in giro allungandolo, oltre a fargli puro il solletico Mentre penso di sapere perché Monica ride all'impazzata, tiricordi che nella camera della tortura avevo visto la macchina del solletico con Fujiko e Mr X animatronics?Ebbene lei dev'essere lì sopra, mentre Sandra ed Amy devono essere in due tavolacci della tortura cineseQuesto Ralph è un vero mostro, ne ho le scatole piene, andiamo a liberare i nostri amici e dopo faremo i conti con questo tipo -Sarah prende coraggio ed entrambi scendono alla stanza delle torture ma si trovano tutti gli animatronics come li avevano lasciati, sia i torturatori che le vittime .Frank rimane stupido e dubbioso mentre Sarah chiude gli occhi e cerca di capire dove sente lamentarsi gli amici.Dopo aver sorriso ed inchinata a terra poggia l'orecchio e sente bene le risate e le suppliche di smettere.- Siiii ho capito FrankLoro sono prigionieri nel sotterraneo della casaBrrr questa è davvero una casa degli orrori, ci sono pure le segrete!!! -Sarah si rialza e sia lei che Frank vanno verso l'unica porta che ancora non avevano aperto e visitatori cioè la porta della caldaia .Loro la aprono e trovano una lunga scalinata che percorrono scendendo finché non si trovano davanti a un portone metallico semi aperto.Pian piano, senza essere visti, si avvicinano e sbirciano all'interno con Sarah che a stento trattiene un urlo di stupore e terrore.Perché guardando dentro vede tutti i loro amici torturati come aveva ipotizzato Frank.Sandra ad Amy in due tavolacci vicini tormentate da delle gocce d'acqua che gli cadono in fronte da due rubinetti mentre due animatronics torturatori cinesi gli solleticano e punzecchiano i piedi nudi con dei bastoncini appuntiti .Charlie invece è allungato in un tavolaccio con argano da un animatronics boia gigantesco mentre un altro più piccolo, con una piuma, gli solletica i piedi nudiMa è vedere la povera Monica che gli fa venire un colpo al cuore.Infatti la cara amica, ora in bikini, è legata a X con fermi metallici in un grande tavolaccio tecnologico mentre tantissime manine robotiche gli fanno il solletico al collo, ascelle, fianchi, torace, gambe e sotto i piedi facendola ridere a crepapelle mentre un Mr X robotico la punzecchia con una manina nel prorompente seno .Le vittime tutte si lamentano e si agitano e sia Frank, che Sarah sono bloccati e pensano a cosa fareMonica nel mentre si agita sempre di più non resistendo minimamente il solletico delle manine-Wah ah ah ah ah ah fermoooohohoh robot porcelloneAh ah ah non toccarmiiiihihihChe qualcuno fermi queste cose smette ah ah ah ahtela manine sadiche ah ah ah ahCharlie osserva la tortura della amata e anche lui impazzisce dalle risate non resistendo più il solletico sotto i piedi mentre a tratti viene sempre di più allungato - Ah ah ah no nono Mi fattemaleah ah ah Aiutooooo mi allungherete a morte ah ah ahMentre le due povere Sandra ed Amy non riescono più neanche a pensare dal mal di testa provocato dalle gocce d'acquaE il solletico cinese le tormenta atrocemente con una resistenza irresistibile nelle terminazioni nervose plantari- No nono basta basta mi scoppia la testaAh ah ah fermate queste gocceUrla la povera Amy mentre Sandra si agita e protesta anche lei- Ah ah ah questo punzecchiamento è solletico dei piedi non lo sopporto più ah ah ah ahFermi fermiiiii maledetti robotSmettete di torturarciSpero poi che vi arrivi una bolletta stratosferica dell'acqua, chiudete i rubinettiAh ah ah ah-Passano i minuti e sia Frank che Sarah si guardano ma ancora sono indecisi sul da farsiIn particolare ciò che ancora ferma Frank nell'intervenire a salvarli è il vedere il criminale che li ha catturati che, protestando ed imprecando, guarda dei monitor alla ricerca dei due ultimi detective da catturare- Ma dove diavolo sono andati a finire?Erano nella stanza delle torture ed ora sono sparitiHo due torture pronte anche per loro ma prima devo catturarli -Anche Sarah si trattiene nell'intervenire ed osserva una donna incatenata a braccia in sul nel murovicino ad una gigantesca testa di Clown robotica ogni tanto ride sadicamente e la cui lingua biforcuta solletica il pancino nudo della prigioniera o le sue ascelle Lei all'inizio noncapisce chi è ma poi la riconosce e gli scappa un gridolino di stupore .- Sabrina oppsss shhh mmmmhhh -Frank prontamente gli mette una mano in bocca ed aspetta se Ralph si era accorto, ma nulla .Lui continua ad imprecare cercando i due fuggitivi con le telecamere del Luna Park.Frank finalmente si decide e prende un robusto bastone ed entra furtivo per tramortire Ralph ma attraversata la porta, da dietro di essa, ne esce un clown animatronics, cioè la statua che era fuori della casa, e lo immobilizza.Ralph sorride malvagiamente- Ah ah ah ah ahPensavi che non avessi sentito il gridolino di stupore e terrore della tua amica?Niente sfugge a RalphE tu Sarah vieni avanti e non costringermi a farti catturare da un altro dei miei giocattoli, devi sapere che loro, nel mentre che catturano e portano i prigionieri da me, li torturano un pò, risparmiati almeno questo - Sarah obbedisceed entra nella sala di controllo e di tortura personale di Ralph.Lei guarda a Sabrina ed entrambi si salutano.-Ciao cuginaAllora non eri morta cadendo nel fiume come tutti pensavamoEri ...eri prigioniera qui!!! -Sabrina annuisce e poi abbassa lo sguardo.I giorni infiniti dei vari mesi di prigionia gli tornano in mente e soprattutto ogni notte di solletico tortura.- Ah siete cugineSplendidoMa allora Sarah anche tu rimarrai per sempre quiQui ad essere solletico torturataBuah ahh ah ah ah ah ah ah -Vari minuti dopo Frank si ritrova intrappolato in un'altra macchina del solletico con indosso solo dei boxer mentre tantissime manine robotiche lo torturano con il solletico dappertutto con una Fujiko animatronics che, con un sorrisetto sadico con un bastone manina, lo punzecchia proprio nei boxer .- No no fermeeeeeheh manine diabolicheAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahoo ferma FujikoooooOddio ah ah ah è un incubo-Sarah osserva tutto legata in una sorta di grandissima ragnatela mentre un ragno robot, con faccia buffa, papillon, capello a Tuba e zampe che finiscono in manine gommose bianche gli si avvicina dopo aver solleticato ed aver quasi spaventata a morte la povera Monica che soffriva di aracnofobia .Ma Monica non era l'unica a temere i ragni, infatti Sarah gli viene quasi la tachicardia a vedere avvicinare pronto a fargli il solletico .La scena della tortura di tutti i Mistery Detectives è agghiacciante e Ralph gode a sentire le loro risateÈ come che si nutra della loro sofferenza ma ciò per lui stavolta è controproducente.Infatti Sabrina, che incanetata a braccia in alto nel muro, non era più osservata, piano piano riesce a sfilarsi le manette e non vista da Ralph con un bastone lo tramortisce .Subito dopo va nella tastiera di controllo e ferma tutti gli animatronics torturatori, le macchine del solletico e anche il ragnone e libera tutti .Sabrina e Sarah dopo si abbracciano- Sabrina è tutto finitoGrazie a te ora il regno del solletico terrore di Ralph è giunto al terminePagherà in carcere tutto il male che ti ha fatto -Nel mentre Monica va a legare il malfattore ma lui si alza all 'improvviso e con un telecomando aziona gli animatronics.Anche la Testa Clown gigantesca nella parete si aziona e Sabrina vedendo come tutti i robot li stanno circondando per catturarli ha come un attimo di pace.Non vuole più tornare ad essere solleticata fino allo sfinimento ogni notte e con rabbia spinge Ralph verso la testa gigante.- maledetto non mi avrai di nuovo a tua disposizione per tormentarmi ogni notteNon ne posso più di solletico e ridere come un ossessa-Lui, spinto da lei, cade all'indietro dentro la bocca che chiudendosi e aprendosi letteralmente lo mangiandolo schiacciandolo mortalmente con lui che emette un urlo di dolore disumano.- Noooo nooo che fai Sabrina, io lo faccio per te... AAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH -E come il telecomando cade a Ralph Frank lo afferra e spegne tutti gli animatronics ma per il Clown Solleticatore è troppo tardi.Anche se la bocca enorme si ferma ormai Ralph è un ammasso inerte di ossa rotte e muscoli.La scena è raccapricciante e tutti salgono sfiniti le scale.Vedono finalmente il sole sorgere dalle finestre del piano terra e Frank sta per aprire la porta di ingresso della casa degli orrori per uscire ma una risata demoniaca riecheggia per tutta la casa.La porta non si apre e tutte le serrande metalliche delle finestre si abbassano lasciando tutta la comitiva al buio.Dopo, con orrore, vedi gli animatronics salire dalle scale con degli occhi rossi.Tutti loro cercano di opporsi, di combattere, ma tutti vengono catturati.Catturati vivi purtroppo...Nel terribile sotterraneo ognuno di loro viene atrocemente solletico tormentato mentre la bella Sabrina, legata nella ragnatela, soffre a vedere tutti loro ad essere torturati, preludio per ciò che attende anche a lei .Perché nessuno può sfuggire a Ralph il Solleticatore.Se da vivo aveva deciso di far ridere la sua Sabrina a vita, ora, come spirito che ha posseduto come infestazione ectoplasmatica demoniaca tutta la casa, ora lui ha altri piani in mente.... Passano 12 ore di interminabili tormentiper i componenti della squadra Mistery Detectives e un aspettare snervante per la povera Sabrina e infine compare, davanti a lei, un essere demoniaco con fattezze di Clown.Lei cerca di dibattersi per liberarsi ma la legatura nella ragnatela è robusta stavolta.Il Clown con il suo vestito rosso, gli occhi gialli, la bocca irta di denti aguzzi e lingua biforcuta è terrificante.Tutti lo vedono e si disperanoIl cuore di ognuno di loro ormai non riesce a resistere come puro il loro cervello.All'improvviso, con le risate, esce una sorta di vapore dalla bocca dei prigionieri e ognuno di loro muore letteralmente ridendo .Il vapore viene aspirato dalla bocca di Ralph il Clown demoniaco e Sabrina, con orrore, vede che lui gesticola pronto a solleticarla.Lui sorride tristemente a sentire la disperazione della donna.- Uah ah ah SabrinaMia cara e amata SabrinaÈ arrivato il tuo momento di ridereMa tu non morirai, tu rimarrai per sempre viva ed eternamente giovaneE soprattutto soffrirai eternamenteSoffrirai di.... Solleticoooooo-Il Clown emette un raggio di luce dagli occhi e Sabrina, per un attimo, viene percosa come da una scarica elettrica.Sente il suo corpo come bruciare per un momento, e poi nota che una delle ferite che si era fatta precedentemente scappando dalle catene si rimarginano e la sua pelle non ha più un segno.Nel mentre Ralph si avvicina e inizia a solleticarla nelle ascelle.-Noooooo Wahahahahahahaha noooooNon voglio l'immortalità ah ah ah ah ah ah ahUccidimi Ralph, uccidi anche a me ti prego ah ah ah ahNon farmi ridere per l'eternitàAh ah ah ah ah-Ralph ha finalmente coronato il suo sogno di stare per l'eternità con la sua Sabrina.Riuscirà mai la donna, ormai immortale, a sfuggire alle sue solleticanti grinfie o ridera' in un ridanciano supplizio infinito?Anni dopo ....Un Clown, vestito di bianco con un palloncino rosso che gli svolazza intorno, si avvicina ad un Luna Park abbandonato.È notte e lui entra nella serie di canali di scarico sotterranei.- Uhmm questa cittadina è l'ideale per nutrirmiNessuno di quei nerd rompiscatole mi troverà in questo Luna Park abbandonato-L'essere ha una bocca irta di denti aguzzi e da quanto si spalanca sorridendo anche gli occhi si spostano lateralmente.Camminando sente una risata lontana, una risata disperata di donna e, andando verso dove sente il suono, si ritrova davanti ad una apertura circolare.Con i suoi poteri attraversa la grata ed una volta dentro si ritrova davanti una donna bellissima.Lei è legata a X con fermi metallici ai polsi e caviglie in un tavolaccio metallico con delle manine robotiche pronte a solleticarla ma che ora sono ferme.Lei, sfinita dalla tortura, sembra aver paura del nuovo arrivato e per il Clown demoniaco è un'occasione per uno spuntino.Lui si avvicina e divorare la povera prigioniera ma quando è vicinissimo alla sua faccia lei, i cui occhi sono diventati rossi, con dei grandi canini da vampiro lo morde al collo.Il Clown, a stento, riesce a sfuggire alla donna trasformasi in una sorta di demonessa con ali, corna e coda appuntita a freccia e indiettreggiando a terra, cerca di scappare dalla apertura ma si ritrova davanti un altro Clown vestito di rosso.Lui ha una bocca mostruosa di dimensioni spropositate irta di denti aguzzi e gli occhi sono di un giallo intenso.- Come osate attaccare a me mortali?Io sono Penniwise lasciatemi andare-La voce di Penniwise è tonante ma non spaventa minimamente ne il Clown vestito di rosso ne la donna che, dopo che si sono aperti i fermi metallici che la teneva legata, si avvicina a terra al Clown che aveva aggredito .Penniwise si alza in piedi e cerca di scappare ma Ralph il Clown Solleticatore fa un gesto e subito dopo Penniwise si ritrova legato nella macchina del solletico.Sabrina, la donna diventata una demone vampira, pian piano gli si avvicina e sorride diabolicamente.Lei ha in mano il telecomando della macchina del solletico e, dopo aver baciato in bocca il Clown vestito di rosso, preme il pulsante di accensione.Grey TownLuna ParkDa giorni la notte risuonano risate maschili di disperazione .La tonalità è inquietante, non sembra neanche provenire da una bocca umana, ma ciò che a chiunque l'abbia sentita in lontananza nel paese gli fa accapponare la pelle è la seconda voce demoniaca che si sente, una voce che si compiace della sofferenza di chi passeggiata .Perché tutti si erano abituati a sapere che esisteva un Clown psicopatico Solleticatore ma ora si era aggiunto un essere anche più terrificante per alcuni.Un demone femminile che si nutre della sofferenza dei suoi prigionieri per nutrire i suoi già elevati poteri demoniaci.Una diavolessa che, nonostante sia ancora condannata ogni notte a ridere a crepapelle per il suo aguzzino che l'ha resa immortale, ora anche lei richiede vittime da tormentare, ma vittime particolari ... Infatti lei, che era buona ed ancora lo è, tormenta solo chi è malvagio, sia che sia umano, o un essere soprannaturale o extraterrestre.Lei è ....Sabrina , la demone del solletico tormento e nessuno, grazie alla collaborazione del suo amato, fedele e succube Ralph, nessuno, neanche Penniwise, può sfuggirgli .BENENo?collaborazione con @epluribusunumdeusex... 
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Ralph, the evil tickler clownGrey TownOn a spring day like any other, a terrible fate awaits a beautiful woman.She wears a cream suit and, without pantyhose, red Armani high-heeled shoes.Sabrina was inside the supermarket where she went shopping every day after work in the office and felt a strange uneasiness.From the moment she entered the door she had had the feeling of being watched, followed.A clown outside had asked him for money and given his insistence she had been forced to raise her voice and have the supervisor intervene.He, with his suit all dirty as if it had previously fallen into a puddle, and also torn in various parts with signs even on his face of a hypothetical fight or fistfight, was really in bad shape.In tears she had begged to help him, that he needed some money to be able to buy something to eat but she, who was scared of him as well as for the scruffy appearance, precisely because she had always feared the Clowns, was adamant.But now she felt uncomfortable, someone was watching her....In fact Ralph, the aforementioned poor clown, who had had all sorts of things happen to him during the day, such as being robbed,then beaten and finally spattered with mud by a speeding car, he hid among the empty boxes in the entrance and from a hole he followed every movement of the girl."Cursed !!! I begged you, I humbled myself but you ...You had no mercyAnd I won't have any either ....ihihihYou'll see what I'll do for you, young lady with the Armani heels.Those bare feet will suffer a torment that you don't even imagine ..... ihihihRalph, the fetish clown, had in fact planned something terrifying for poor Sabrina.Something that would teach her that a desperate clown is the last thing to provoke.An hour later Sabrina heads to the car and after entering, suddenly, a hand with a handkerchief soaked in chloroform covers her mouth and she passes out.Ralph immediately puts him in the driver's seat and finally, now having a well-stocked car at his disposal, he returns home, or rather the old abandoned amusement park outside the city.Once he arrives, he hides the car and then takes the girl in his arms and takes her to the house of horrors.Here, in the basement, that is, in the fake torture room, he ties the girl to a stretching plankThe feet are trapped in a solid wooden pillory and the arms open upwards in the handcuffs of the winch chain.He then gives a turn of the winch until the girl's body is taut, without hurting her but precisely without her being able to move or wriggle out in the least about what he has in mind for her delicate, soft and very sensitive skin.She slowly shows signs of awakening and he, amused, begins to place strange-looking objects on a serving table but which, for those who are experts in Tickling Torture, can be recognized as the most terrifying tickling torture tools.Rubber little hands for scratching, feathers, brushes and itchy powder.But also a feather duster and rubber gloves to which he, the fetishist Clown Ralph, has tied a quill with insulating tape to each finger of the glove, creating his personal version of Freddy Krueger's clawed hand which, instead of cut, makes an unbearable and infernal tickle.Sabrina in the meantime comes to her senses and immediately realizes she can't move.He sees a plastic ceiling with a stone-like pattern as well as the walls around the room.With disquiet, she recognizes the place, in fact it is the old Luna Park where she, as a girl, went to have fun with her peers."Oh God what the hell am I doing chained up in the torture room of the house of horrors?Helpoo Helpoo, someone help me "Ralph, who had purposely hidden under the plank as she was recovering her senses, comes out of the side of the feet and the girl with absolute terror sees him stand up in front of her beautiful and defenseless feet protected only by expensive shoes." Hi Ciainooo beautiful SabrinaDo you remember me ? I'm the Clown you kicked out of the supermarketAnd I'm not just a Clown but..."Ralph takes off his fake nose and red wig and Sabrina screams in terror.He screams because what he sees is an old acquaintance of his, it's Ralph the loser, an old schoolmate of his who, harassed and bullied, had been missing from the city for years."Oh God Ralph ??? Are you...are you...?What happened to you ? For.....why did you become a Clown?Why did you kidnap me? I I couldn't know it was you disguised like thatPlease...please don't hurt meI'll give you anything you want .... I ... I have some savingsI work in an office, maybe I can even get you hired in the cleaning company "Ralph smiles wickedly at feeling the restlessness, the fear of his old schoolmateThe classmate who laughed at the jokes he suffered from the other classmates and who now, with absolute terror, watches him start to undo the straps of his heels and then take them off leaving her barefoot.He then lowers down and smells the toes, the soles and with a mellifluous smile the shoes.Sabrina with terror sees all this and literally shivers.Afterwards he goes to the food table and puts one of the gloves with goose feathers on his right hand on top of his shoes."You Sabrina don't know what happened to me right? And how could you ???!!!You who have always had everything cannot know that, because of you, I had a nervous breakdown and had to withdraw from school.You don't know that while you were enjoying your happy lives studying, I was making a career insteadI did all sorts of different jobs, one more humiliating than the other and...that eventually I became a Clown in a circus.But not a normal Clown...No no, a veryoo special ClownMemories ?All you girls were teasing me because you noticed me looking at your feet.You used to tell me "Ralph you're Weird" or "Ralph the loser"But you could not have known that I was not just " Weird " as you said .No no, I was much more.I "was" and "am" a fetishistA foot and foot fetishist....."Tickling"Dormouse Dormouse "And surprising poor Sabrina Ralph started tickling her bare feet and she couldn't resist laughing out loud"Noooo Helpoooo Wah ah ah ah ah ah ahThe tickle nooo ohohoh Ha ha ha haPity pietaaaaaa Ralph ah ah ah ah ah ah ahI suffer so much ah ah ah ah ahBastaaaaahahah Stopiiiiii ihihih "About ten minutes of unspeakable laughing torment go by and Ralph finally stops and approaches his chest to hear Sabrina roar with laughter.She unbuttons his blouse with her left hand and holds the feathered glove to his navel"I know you suffer SabrinaI remember the laughter that came out of the girls' bathroom when we went to the gym at school.You and the others tickled each other to make you confess who you liked.I hid in the closet and yeahI was listening to youI know all that you suffer from itEspecially the feet and ... dormice dormiceAt the belly and navelCochie cochie Coooo"Sabrina in despair laughs out loud to feel the tickle again and shakes laughingRalph knows her every weak point and is tied up so there's no way he can escape the terrifying ordeal" Wah ha ha ha ha ha you're a freak hohohHa ha ha I knew you were Weird ha ha ha haEnough stopaaaahahah STOP ITIt's Torture ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"Ralph, after another five minutes, satisfied by the prisoner's suffering, stops and, after stroking Sabrina's face, puts down the glove with the feathers and takes two little hands from the table to scratch."I know it's torture for youBut for Me it is the most beautiful dayNot only can I finally take revenge on someone for the fact that everyone mistreats Clowns but above all I will take revenge on YouI...I loved youI literally adored your bare feetThey were a heavenly sight in the pool...But despite this feeling of hate I want to give you a chance, the chance that "I" didn't haveLet's do this SabrinaI will let you go, but.....on 2 conditions:1) Not only won't you report me but I want that job you promised me2) You will have to resist my tickle torture all night, i.e. until 6 without ever saying the word "Pizza"If you say it, I'll let you catch your breath and lock you in the cells here.But I will never let you go and every night I will torture youSo my dear Sabrina, do you accept?Are you able to resist my "Tortures" for one night?And be careful not to make jokes once you're freeFor having kidnapped and tickled you to the max they'll give me one, two years, maybe even with probation ...And once free and when you least expect it .... Dormouse dormouse I kidnap you and make you laugh to deathCochie Cochie Cooo"And in saying the final sentence Ralph starts frantically tickling Sabrina's armpits with his scratching hands" UAH AHH AH AH AH AH OK OKI WILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT AH AH AAAAAAAAHHH I WILL RESIST I WILL RESIST BUT THEN LET ME GO AH AH AH AH AH AHI WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE IT WILL BE OUR AH AH AH AH AH SECRETOOOOHOHOH"Ralph, pleased, stops tickling Sabrina and bows down and approaches her navel and starts making raspberries, causing her to tickle slowly."One coin...two coins...but nooooThere are no coins here but just lots of nice pernacchiettePrrrrrr Prrrrr PrrrrrrrrrSabrina, feeling the clown's beard on her stomach and the farts, bursts out laughing." No no noooo ah ah ah ah ah ah the farts nooooOMG what a tickleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAfterwards he tickles her absurdly with every instrument of torture to make her give in but she, even if she laughs crying at the end of her resistance, doesn't give in.She looks at the alarm clock ticking ticking on the food table.The deal is that she has to hold out until 6 and she is determined.She has to escape from there, she is too ticklish to be trapped for life with Ralph the Tickling ClownSpends time...MoonThe twoThree o'clockFour o'clockFive o'clockAnd when the minute hand passes 6 o'clock and one minute ...."Buah ahh ah ah ah ah PIZZAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHRalph i wonohohoh FermatiiiiihihihRalph amazed by Sabrina's words stopsLook where the girl's gaze goes and stamp a sorry footShe had least that's what she thought...In fact Ralph, after thinking about it, gives a diabolical Big smile and approaches her gesturing, ready to tickle her"Oh god no noooooYou promisedYou promised to let me go"He stops and taking his cell phone out of his costume pocket, he shows the time to Sabrina who, reading it, remains petrified" Oh but .... but ... the ... five o'clock?But ... but the alarm clock indicates ....Ralph smiles sadistically" Hehehehe yes yes the alarm clock shows six because I forgot to fix the time the other SaturdayDo not remember ? We had to turn back the clocks an hourI brought you here at midnight SabrinaNot at oneYou lost !!! You said the word Pizza too soonNow a joyful life awaits you,Gio-GioiosaI will tickle you every nightEvery night until you pass out after a long, very slow agony of laughterI'll tickle you at ... LIFECochie Cochie CoooooSabrina at his words despairs and starts laughing out loud from tickling" No nooooo Bastaaaaahahah StoptiiiiiPlease PLEASE PIETAAAA'AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHGray TownOld Luna ParkIf you approach the night you hear like laughter in the distance or rather come from undergroundEveryone knows it's not a place for the faint of heartEveryone knows it's the realm of Clown the Fetishist even more terribly called....Ralph the Fine TicklerStory commission for anonimous 
Check out my short story here. 
MANNEQUINSMANNEQUINSWritten by Sarah StephensonHave you ever wondered about Store Mannequins? How they stare at you with their cold, unseeing eyes, with no emotion behind them. If they could think, what thoughts would be lurking behind their blank faces? Would they feel envy towards us humans or would these thoughts be dark and twisted? Do they hate mankind? Three months ago, these thoughts would never have entered my mind. But now… Here is my story… ***I work as a security guard at the local mall. Generally nothing much changes from day to day. It’s quiet and that’s the way I like it! ***The mall had organised a fashion show to exhibit the latest Spring Collections from the major stores. The place was abuzz with excitement and Margo, the most famous runway model, was to be the main attraction at the show. She had the face of an Angel but she had a heart of stone. Margo was nasty to everyone especially her assistant, her agent Mr Wilson as well as the mall manager. ***The night before Margo’s arrival, the mall manager told us to be super nice to ‘Madame Margo’ and the other models that are attending.***During the days leading up to the fashion Show, Margo was in top form. She was obnoxious to everyone (including me). One time I witnessed her being unnecessarily rude to one of the cleaning women. The woman asked Margo for an autograph for her daughter. Margo became very abusive and it broke my heart to see the shattered look on the poor woman’s face as she slowly walked away from Margo. I made a silent prayer hoping that, one day, Margo would get what’s coming to her. ***The mall manager had arranged to redecorate the mall for this event. This included some new mannequins. The mannequins were delivered very early in the morning prior to my arrival at the mall. I made myself a coffee to help me start the day. While I was enjoying this quiet moment, the janitor came into the room. He looked a little strange to me so I asked him what was wrong. He said, “I’ve never seen mannequins like these before! Whenever you look away, I swear they move their heads or hands!” I know the janitor and he does have a slight drinking problem so I put his comments up to an overactive imagination.***However, on my first break, I went and checked them out for myself. He was right! I’ve been working at this mall for several years and I’ve never seen any mannequins like these before. They were beautiful! Apart from their blank faces, they looked almost human! They had perfect pale skin texture and perfect bodies. Their cold expressionless faces made me think of Margo. The mannequins didn’t have Margo’s harsh expression, they looked friendlier! The day of the fashion show was drawing nearer and I decided to take my manager’s advice and be more welcoming to our new mannequins. During my breaks I would walk around and talk quietly to each of them. Just small talk nothing special. “Good Morning”, “How you doing?” etc. It was more for my benefit so I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable around them. I’m not sure how I would have felt if any of them actually answered me. Some of the other security guards thought I was loopy but I didn’t care. ***There were moments, I swear, I thought I saw slight movement in their joints. Like, one time, I was sitting on a bench across from one and, while eating my sandwich, I thought I saw it slightly moving its head. It made me think back to what the janitor said about the mannequins moving on their own. I shrugged it off telling myself that it was my eyes playing tricks on me. ***The day before the show the only person who wasn’t happy was (you guessed it) Margo. Her latest problem was the new mannequins. Calling them ‘hideous’, ‘ugly’ & ‘not fit for the fashion show’. “If you don’t get rid of those mannequins, I’ll leave!” she yelled at the manager slamming his office door. The manager sighed heavily shaking his head. I felt sorry for him and my new mannequin friends. ***Later that night I overheard a heated conversation between Margo and her agent Mr Wilson. They were in the staff lounge and I was in the next room having a cup of coffee. “What do you mean I’m too old” Margo voice bellowed. Her agent tried to calm her down with little success. “I mean the manager has decided to look for someone a little younger for the fashion show” replied Mr Wilson. The conversation continued to heat up. Soon it ended with Margo slamming the door. ***My boss told me one of my colleagues wasn’t well and needed me to take the night shift. So I spent the rest of the night watching the CCTV. The night started calmly and peaceful but by 3pm that changed. ***While monitoring the CCTV, I saw Margo approaching some of the new mannequins. In her left hand she was clutching a half-empty bottle of whiskey. She was unsteady on her feet. The conversation with Mr Wilson had taken its toll on her. She smashed the bottle at the mannequins’ feet, staining one of their dresses. I thought I saw the mannequin shift its head and look down at its ruined dress. Margo laughed hysterically at the mannequin. “Not so beautiful now” she shrieked as she continued to laugh at them. ***What happened next was unbelievable! The lights began to flicker and then everything went dark. Suddenly I heard faint voices, “We want your face”. Then a few seconds went by and then I heard a terrified scream. Quickly I leaped from my office chair, grabbed a flashlight and headed off to find Margo. I scanned the mall hallways. No sign of her anywhere. Then I stopped at the display where I last saw her on the CCTV. What I saw made me break out in a cold sweat. The first mannequin was wearing what looked like Margo’s hair. The second mannequin appeared to be wearing Margo’s eyes while the third one (which stood in the middle) wore the freshly peeled skin off Margo’s Face. ***They never found the remains of Margo’s body and I never told them about the killer mannequins. The Police called it, ‘Murder by Misfortune’ and then closed the case book on it. I continue to work as a security guard at the mall but I have never done another night shift since then. What I saw that night will haunt me for the rest of my life. THE END
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Romantic Killer Prom King and QueenRomantic Killer – Prom King & QueenBy Sarah StephensonCHAPTER 1 – PROM QUEEN ANNOUNCEMENTS“Wow, Anzu is running for Prom Queen” Junta said, “How did that happen?”“One name springs to mind” replied Tsukasa.“Riri” They both said nodding. “RIRI”, I yelled at the top of my lungs. Just then a bright, annoying, bubbly yellow ball, with teddy bear ears, appeared in a puff of pink smoke. “How could you do this to me? Put me down as Prom Queen and get Junta, Tsukara and Hijiri nominated for Prom King”. “Relax Anzu” Riri said, “I have it all planned out. By midnight you will fall in love with your handsome Prince Charming… Correction handsome Prom King. It would be the perfect ending to your love story falling in love at Prom”. Why is this happening to me I wondered. Months ago I was just an ordinary girl with my 3 loves in life. Chocolate, Videogames and my cat Momohiki and now I’m thrust into a romance triangle with 3 major hots. The heartthrob Tsukara, the athletic Junta and wealthy but cold hearted Hijiri. Why has this happen to me? This all started just a little over a week ago. During class, an announcement came over the P.A. system. It concerned the upcoming Prom. The announcer stated, “Start lodging for nominations for Prom Queen and King. Both Queen and King will receive a special prize at the end of Prom”. I couldn’t care less about the Prom and it traditions. It doesn’t compare to playing the final round against the evil boss in a game. A few days later I was suddenly approached by Saki and two of my other friends.“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked. “What didn’t I tell you?” I replied. My two other friends squealed in delight. “Seriously. You haven’t heard?” they said together. They dragged me down the corridor to the notice board. Their squealing was giving me such a head ache. I looked at the board I stared in disbelief. There, in front of me, was a huge poster of me wearing a prom dress looking like Cinderella. On my head was a tiara. Beneath the picture were the words:VOTE 1 FOR ANZU HOSHINO FOR PROM QUEENI was shocked. I couldn’t speak or move. I just continued to stare at those words, Anzu Hoshino for Prom Queen. Saki turned to the others and said, “See guys, I knew Anzu was unaware of this? Who do think would do such a thing?” I already knew who. Riri! Riri was the one who cooked up this whole plan. That little Devil.“Maybe it was Hijiri” said one of the girls, “He is already a prince in our high school. So maybe he put the word around to get you nominated”. “I heard that he is also being nominated as Prom King” Saki said. Please not him, anyone but not him I thought!“Wow. I heard Junta has been nominated for Prom King too” said one of the girls.“So is Tsukasa” said Saki. My head was swirling. Hijiri, Junta and Tsukasa being nominated for Prom King. Triple oh no! I can’t believe this I thought, as I climbed onto my bed. It’s bad enough that I’m dealing with a crazy devil and having 3 boys in my life and now this. How can this be happening to me? I got off my bed and stood in the centre of the room with my fists clenched into tight balls.“RIRI”, I yelled. Just then that bright, annoying and bubbly ball appeared in a puff of pink smoke. “How could you do this to me? Put me down as Prom Queen and get Junta, Tsukara and Hijiri nominated for Prom King”. “Relax Anzu” Riri said, “I have it all planned. By midnight you will fall in love with your handsome Prince Charming… Correction handsome Prom King. It would be the perfect ending to your love story if you fell in love at the Prom”. I was just about to pounce on that little hairy ball when she suddenly disappeared again in a puff of smoke. Dammit Riri. Riri’s lack of knowledge about romance and the human heart go hand in hand. How could she have done this to me, Tsukara, Junta and Hijiri. The chances of one of them being the one I am destined to spend the rest of life with is hard to believe. Relax Anzu. It’s only a dance and not you’re wedding. You can always lose. Yes, I can lose. I’m not the only one being nominated for Prom Queen. There is Rena, the girl who hates my friendship with Tsukara. But if she wins she will get to dance with Tsukara. It hurts me to think of him being pushed onto the stage and forced to stand next to her. Then they will end the evening with the spotlight dance. What’s wrong with me? Tsukasa and I aren’t in love. I’m not in love with Junta or Hijiri either. Anyway, Rena and I may not be chosen to be Prom Queen. It might be Saki. I think that she will probably be selected. She is the prettiest girl in our school which is an added bonus for her. Once again I’m going to fight against Riri’s dirty plans by sending in my most powerful warrior to do battle. Saki!CHAPTER 2 - SHOPPING“I can’t do this” Saki said. “I can’t bear being nominated for Prom Queen, so I’m stepping down. I don’t know who nominated me in the first place?” “Saki, don’t do this to me! Please stay in the race with me” I begged. Just then we noticed someone waltzing up to our table. It was none other than Rena and her bestie.“So Anzu, are you looking forward to losing as Prom Queen” she asked, “And watching me dance with Tsukasa. Face it; you & Saki don’t have the looks to be the Queen of Prom. I was born to lead.” Rena tossed back her hair as we watched her walk off her bestie following behind her like a groupie. Saki looked back at me with a determine look in her eyes. “You know what?” she said, “I’ve changed my mind. Let’s show her we can be Queens too”. I still couldn’t believe it. Saki and I were going out shopping together. In the past she tried millions of times to drag me into Fashion Boutiques but each time I told her I had a date with some video games. The first place we stopped at was a fancy boutique with many beautiful dresses in different colours. I have never seen such fancy dresses in all my life. There were cocktail dresses with skinny straps, long elegant dresses, sparkly dresses and low-cut sexy dresses. In the end, I decided with a pale blue elegant dress with beautiful silver beads. Saki went with a beautiful red strapless dress that high-lighted her hair. She looked great. “Wow. You look beautiful Anzu” Saki said, “You’ll steal the show and win hands down”. Oh no I thought. I shouldn’t be the one hogging the spotlight. I didn’t want it. I should be helping Saki to win. “Maybe, I should get something else?” I suggested. “No Anzu” Saki said, “go with that dress. It was made for you”. Next we looked at the shoes and accessories. Saki selected red high heels and matching earrings as they went well with her red dress. I tried to be interested in a boring pair of white shoes until Saki pointed out some stunning blue studded heels. Saki talked me into buying them. All we had to do now was to get out nails done. While I was waiting for my manicurist, I tried to focusing on reading a magazine, all the while wondering about our day when a tall lady in white appeared. “Your manicurist is ready for you” she said. I got up and followed her to the manicurist’s booth. She was a bright and bubbly lady with blonde hair and she wore pink lipstick. She took my hand and started filing my nails.“So darling, how the shopping going” she asked, “Did you have a good time deciding on a prom dress and shoes?” How could she know I’ve been shopping for a prom dress? Could she have been talking to Saki? I looked across the booth at Saki who is talking cheerfully at her manicurist. I looked back at my own manicurist and saw, dangling from her ear, a small earring that was in the shape of a star. I know that star so well. It was the very same star that dangled off human Riri’s school bag and the same star on her wand. No, not her. The devil. Not again.“You can drop the act” I said, “I know who you are, Riri”“I could never fool you Anzu” she said giggling, “So, how was your shopping trip. I saw the dress. You’ll steal those boys’ hearts at Prom”. “You can stop all this” I said, “I’m not going along with your silly plan. I’m going to see my friend Saki be selected as Prom Queen.” Riri’s eyes widened. Finally, I won this round. “But Anzu, by midnight if you don’t kiss your true love, I will cease to exist” she said.What is she saying? “WHHHHAAAAATTTT?” I shouted nearly falling out of my seat. The whole spa began to shake like an earthquake just hit it. The women sitting either side of me looked my way with annoyed looks on their faces. I felt embarrassed as my face blushed red.“Like I said,” Riri continued as a tear rolled down her cheek, “I would disappear and never be able return. This was my final chance to set you up. My bosses were supportive of the idea about getting you matched up that night”. What? My last chance to fall in love? Why would they put this much pressure on Riri and I. How can I fall in love in one night and how will I know it’s real? As we left the nail salon, my heart felt very heavy. I was physically drained after hearing what Riri said. “What’s wrong Anzu?” Saki asked, “You were happy in the boutique, the shoe shop and now you look as though you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.” Yeah, I’m going to lose my best friend Riri & no magic in the world will bring her back this time. CHAPTER 3 – PROM DATESAs prom night grew near I didn’t speak to anyone. Not Saki, Tsukasa or Junta. Not even Riri. I was alone trying to work out what to do. “By midnight, you will fall in love with your handsome Prince Charming” according to Riri. Easy said, then done I thought. Might as well ask, the man in the moon for a date. “Hey, Anzu” said a voice. I then looked up to see Junta standing there wearing his Baseball Uniform. “What’s on your mind Anzu?” he asked sitting down beside me. “Just thinking about the prom” I replied. “Riri just told me that, if I don’t find my true love on Prom night, she would be gone forever.”“So gone as in gone. Gone for good?” Junta asked, “Not like last time?” I nodded. “But Anzu, I thought you disliked Riri?” he said.“I do” I said, “But she is still my friend”. Junta patted my shoulder tenderly as he stared into my eyes. Oh his beautiful, brown, boy-next-door eyes. If I was like other girls, I would beg him to go to prom with me. Why can’t I be like them? “Junta.” I said taking a deep breath, “This might come as a surprise to you but would you like to go to prom with me?” A look of surprise appeared on his face. Beads of sweat appeared on his face and his trembled a little. Clearly, he was very surprised and nervous from my question.“Junta?” I asked again. I was starting to get nervous too. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up while waiting for Junta’s answer. Why didn’t he say anything? Has he already asked someone else? Please Junta say something, I thought to myself. “Jeez, please say something?” I blurted out. “Oh sorry, sorry” Junta finally answered, “Yes. Yes, I would love to go to Prom with you”. I let out a sigh of relief. As I lay back in bed that night, I tried to sleep but couldn’t forget my interesting and eventful day. So Junta and I will be going to Prom together. Why am I not excited about the idea of attending prom with him? Junta and I were childhood best friends. Back then everyone called him Tonta. He was quiet and over-weight then. His family moved away and I only had his memory that gradually faded. Several years later, his family returned here and Tonta returned. Now he was no longer an over-weight little boy. He was tall, slender, very fit and rather good looking.Maybe it’s the anti-heroine in me that won’t allow me to express my feelings toward him. All my major crushes were for video game characters, so developing feeling toward 3D guys remains unknown to me. Or maybe I should take Riri’s advice and just relax and enjoy Prom. As I opened my school locker the next day I received an unexpected surprise. Inside I found dozens of flowers. Before I could work out who sent then, a hand tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Tsuchija standing there. Tsuchija was Hijiri’s chauffeur & bodyguard. “Morning Miss,” he said, “A special little gift from Mr Koganei”.Tsuchija stepped aside and there standing behind him was Asahina Fuuto. Fuuto was hot, and the most popular pop idol in Japan. He slowly approached me with his most delicious smile & seductive eyes. “It’s a delight to meet you Miss Hoshino” said Fuuto, “Mr Koganei’s description of you didn’t do you justice. You are much more beautiful than I expected. You are like an English rose Miss Hoshino.”I blushed at his comments.He started to softly sing in his most heavenly voice. The other girls in the hallway stopped to watch and listen as he sang. His eyes continued to stare at me while he was singing. All I wanted to do was to crawl under a rock and die from embarrassment. When he finally stopped singing, the girls in the hallway screamed and cried with excitement. By the time Fuuto leaves today, I thought, I would be plagued with questions from those girls on my relationship with himFuuto waved at the girls and then turned back to me and kissed me softly on my cheek. He then whispered in my ear, “When the prom is over, feel free to call me and I’ll show you the high life you never experienced before”. Discreetly he placed a note in my skirt pocket. “Alright Fuuto that’s enough” Tsuchija appeared behind him, “You did your job and now it’s time to leave”. Fuuto nodded at Tsuchija and slowly turned away. “See you later pretty, pretty princess” Fuuto said as he followed Tsuchija out. The girls in the hallway continued to scream with delight and then they started to approach me. “How long have you known Fuuto?” asked one girl. “Did he ask you to prom?” asked another. Get the hell away from me I thought. I pulled away from these screaming girls and ran down the hallway to my classroom. When I arrived at my classroom, I was in for a terrible shock. There, on my desk, were a lot of fancy and delicious chocolates, and tied to my chair were 3 Heart-Shaped Balloons with the words: ‘Anzu + Hijiri 4ever’.There standing there was the man himself, Hijiri Koganei.“From your expression, you love my gifts” he said, “and you can look forward to more on the night of prom. I promise you a night to remember too”. Hijiri then walked out of the room without saying another word. What? Wait I thought. I didn’t agree to go to prom with him. Oh no. What have I gotten myself into now? I was sitting in the cafeteria thinking about my latest suitor invite. Now I have two suitors wanting to take me to prom. The likeable Junta and the cold hearted Hijiri. What if Tsukasa asks me to prom next? My head was spinning thinking about this possibility. I could always get him to ask Rena to prom. That idea was too painful for words. Maybe I could try avoiding the subject all together by avoiding him. Just then I saw Tsukasa and his friend Makoto across the cafeteria. They saw me and started to head in my direction. I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed out off. As I was walking home I felt relieved that I was able to dodge Tsukasa all afternoon. Right now he’dbe at work so, by the time he finishes, I would be sound asleep in my bed. “Hey, Anzu” yelled someone. I turned to see Makoto approaching. A sense of relief washed over me. “Hey, Makoto” I answered, “What’s up?” “I just wanted to ask you something,” he said. Oh no, what if it’s about Tsukasa? He might have asked Makoto to find out what wrong with me? “Is it true you’re dating Fuuto?” he asked. What? This can’t be for real I thought? “No” I answered. Aside from Tsukasa I was also dodging that question around school. The news of Fuuto’s singing to me spread like wild fire. Even Rena was giving me some jealous looks. “Is that what you wanted to ask me?” I replied.“No, no” Makoto continued, “I wanted to ask you if Saka has been asked to Prom, yet?” This wasn’t news to me, that Makoto was developing feelings for Saka. Since the festival last year, I kept seeing Saka and Makoto hanging out together. It’s nice to see her laughing with someone as nice as Makoto. “No, she hasn’t been asked, yet” I answered.“Great. Thanks Anzu” Makoto said taking my hand and shaking it. “I’ll call her when I get to the subway. Thanks Anzu”. A sense of relief washed over me. Makoto headed off down the street but suddenly he stopped and turned back. “I almost forgot” Makoto said as he handed me a note. He turned away and headed off again.I opened the note. To my horror, it was from Tsukasa. It read:AnzuI was too nervous to ask you in person so I’ve askedMakoto to give you this note. Will you to come to Prom with me. TsukaraWhhhhaaattttt I thought. Now I’m in serious trouble.CHAPTER 4 – SURPRISE I crashed on the couch from exhaustion. Suddenly Riri appeared looking very cheerful.“Hey Anzu” she said, “I heard not one but three guys have asked you to prom. Your princes ready to sweep you off your feet.” “Get lost” I shouted. “I’m in no mood for a sparring match with you. No thanks to you, I have been nominated for Prom Queen, and three guys have asked me to prom. One way or the other I’m in deep trouble.”“Came on Anzu” said Riri. “Take that frown and turn it upside down. You are this close to achieving your happy ending with the boy of your dreams and the best part is my payment is in the bag.”Riri quickly vanished again. I’m beginning to have second thoughts on not having her around. Riri will and always be a royal pain to me but she did save my life in the past with the stalker, but what to do regarding the mess I’m in? Just then I remembered that it was my turn to do the washing today. I headed off to my room and removed my school uniform. It was soaked in sweat and had grass stains from gym. While changing, the note Fuuto slipped in my skirt pocket. It’s probably like an autographed photo of him. I’m not a fan of Fuuto so I might give it to Saka the next time we’re in class together. She would be the envy of all the girls at our school. I opened the note and I read the words Fuuto had written. CALL ME – FUUTOHis mobile number was written underneath the words. My heart started to pound in my chest. Oh no. What do I do now?! I finally formed my plan for the prom. I would arrange for everyone to go to the Prom together. Junta, Hijiri, Tsukasa, Saka, Makoto and I will go as a group. I casually mentioned it during lunch and everyone were fine with it. Score, ten points to me. Well done Anzu. Hijiri offered to hire a limo for the occasion. No surprise there. I strolled the hallways of the high school with a new feeling of self-confidence. I finally could relax and focus on prom. I could forget about Fuuto’s note. There is no way in the world I would date and fall for a pop idol, not matter how attractive he was. Fuuto was out of my league anyway. After another long shift at work, I headed back to my house looking forward to another well-cooked meal from Tsukasa. I could then relax in front of the TV with him and Junta.As I approached my house I saw a fancy, black car parked out front. It must be Hijiri wanting to invite me out on another date. Again, not going to happen! I ignored the car and headed inside but what I saw took me by surprise. Fuuto was sitting there, on my couch, waiting for me. “WHHHHAAAATTTT? What are you doing in my house” I asked. “How did you know where I lived? And how did you get in?”Fuuto gave me a soft smirk and answered, “A gentleman will never tell, sweet heart”. The pounding in my chest doubled. “A real answer” I said angrily. “Hmm fine” he said. “To answer your question, I had my security guard look into your history and find out where you lived. As to how I got in, your room mate Riri invited me in”.THIS WAS RIRI DOING! Then Fuuto slowly approached me. His seductive eyes scanning me from my face down to my feet and back again. “You should have heard all the things Hijiri said about you” he said. “How he tried to woo you the first time with chocolates, video games & kittens. I thought I would be serenading a dorky fan girl but no. It turns out I’m wooing a beautiful young woman.” Fuuto then forced me against the wall. He held both of my hands above my head with one hand as he placed the other on my thigh. I couldn’t breathe or move. All the while I was hoping that Junta or Tsukasa would not to enter the house. What would they think?Fuuto moved his face close to my hair. I could hear him deeply breathe as his hand continued to move up my thigh. I felt that I could die. I shut my eyes tightly. Soon his lips were at my ear. “Would you do something for me, pretty please” Fuuto whispered in my ear. “Remove that school uniform and lie down on the floor for me?” Luckily my voice is still working. “No” I said. “Why don’t I believe you” he whispered. Soon his hand was at my skirt’s hem. I’m not ready for this I thought as I opened my eyes. I stared over at the front door, praying that Junta or Tsukasa won’t walk through that door. Fuuto also looked at the door and then back at my face“I see in your eyes you’re worried about getting caught by my rivals” Fuuto chuckled. “That’s not how I work. My plan is to take you to the prom and then after we might get reacquainted at my hotel room. What do you say? Are you up for a little fun?”Before I could get another word out, Fuuto’s lips were pressing against mine. My mind was swirling and I couldn’t think straight. What’s happening I thought?He finally pried his lips from mine and looked at me with a sexy smile as he took a step back. “I see my powers have done their job today” he said as he made his way to the front door. Fuuto stoped and turned to look back at my surprised expression. “Till prom night, my sweet” he whispered giving me a wink. Finally he walked out the door. I was breathing heavily as I fell to the floor. What just happening? Never in my life had I been cornered like that. Fuuto took me completely off guard. Was this one of Riri’s plans to get me to open up to love and to someone? Whatever it was, it didn’t feel like love and I didn’t want to play this game with Fuuto. He was unlike any guy I knew before. Different from Junta, Tsukasa and Hijiri. A seductive but very dangerous type of person! Not the same level of dangerous as Yukana is, but right up there. Maybe I should make an excuse and tell my friends that I’m not going to prom. But if I don’t attend prom I lose Riri forever and what if Fuuto was my prince charming that Riri mentioned. No, he’s more like a dark prince. CHAPTER 5 – THE PLAYBOY PRINCEI over-heard some girls in my class talking about me and how I’ve several guys wanting to take me to the Prom.“Have you heard that Fuuto is going out with Anzu,” said one girl.“No way” replied her friend. “I thought she was seeing Tsukasa or Junta? Not fair.”“Yeah, she’s hogging all the hotties” said another. “Who does she think she is? Stealing them and leaving nothing for the rest of us”.Thanks to Fuuto presents at school, all the girls continue to gossip about our relationship. “I also heard Fuuto was seen coming out of her house” the first girl. “A photo of him was posted online”. Double oh no. This was getting worse I thought. Has Saka, Junta, Tsukasa seen the photo, yet? This took me back to the time Hijiri came by my house. Should I tell Junta or Tsukasa about this? The girls’ conversation continued. I wanted to leave but I was curious as to what they were saying.“I also heard Fuuto is a real playboy.” Said one girl.“Really, wow. Who told you that?” asked another. Great! Not only am I hot news but the hot idol turns out to be a playboy prince. What next I wondered.“Hey, Anzu” Tsukasa said appearing behind me along with Junta and Hijiri, “Can we talk?”“So that’s everything you need to know” I finished. Tsukasa, Junta and Hijiri and I were in the school parking lot talking about the latest gossip on Fuuto. “So nothing happened between you and Fuuto” asked Junta. Junta was about to tear up. Junta may come off solid at times but he had a soft sensitive side to him. “Nothing happened” I replied. “Cross my heart”. “Who do you think might be spreading these horrible lies about Anzu?” asked Tsukasa. “This might be a clue. Tsuchija heard it from a girl named Rena” said Hijiri. Of course Rena was the one spreading those lies. “I also think Fuuto is encouraging the gossip a bit in his favour to further his popularity,” Hijiri continued.“How do you know him?” I asked Hijiri.“I know him through family connections” Hijiri explained. “His older brother is one of my father’s lawyers and I contacted him to ask if he could have Fuuto come to the school to serenaded Anzu.”“What?” Tsukasa & Junta both said together. Great! The truth is finally out. “What, do you mean serenaded her?” asked Tsukasa. Hijiri flipped his head back and replied, “I was using Fuuto to woo Anzu to get her to go to the prom with me!” “What!” Junta yelled, “But Anzu is going to prom with me!” “What!” Hijiri yelled. This was the first time I heard Hijira raised his voice. “When did you ask her?”“Only last week!” Junta answered, “What about you?”“This week” Hijiri replied. “I also asked her this week too!” Tsukasa said calmly. Tsukasa, Junta and Hijiri all looked at me annoyed that I didn’t say anything. “Anzu explain everything” they all said. I was dreading this moment ever since I meet Riri. I was constantly worried that the truth about this would come out sometime. Maybe it’s better this way. Some girls would make excuses or blame it on someone else but I couldn’t do that.“This was my doing?” Riri appeared next to me. “My bosses wished Anzu to fall in love during Prom and getting her nominated for Prom Queen was the best approach. I didn’t imagine she would get into this much trouble. I thought I was doing the right thing here.”Hijiri was startled by Riri’s sudden appearance, so I did a recap with this, explaining who Riri was and how she is connected to me. “It’s not your fault Riri” I said, “It’s my entire fault. If I was like other girls I could take more enjoyment out of this. But it’s been a horrible mess so far.”“Neither of you are to blame” Tsukasa said, “Without either of you I wouldn’t have the strength to deal with Yukana.” Tsukara pulled me into a warm hug. “I’m glad you’re not like other girls Anzu. That what make you special.” “I agree” Junta said, “Anzu you’re a unique and I’m glad to be your friend.” Junta then came up and join the hug. “Normally I would take this as a weakness” Hijiri said, “But I have gotten to know you Anzu and I find that you are a wonderful person to have around.”Hijiri joined in our group hug. I don’t know how long we all stood there hugging one another but we soon enough broke apart. “So have you decided on who you’re taking to prom?” Riri interrupted. “RIRI!” we all said annoyed. Despite her annoying behaviour, Riri was right. Who was I taking to prom? I was deeply touched by everyone’s thoughts about me and I still didn’t know which one to take me to prom? “If you like” Junta said, “We could all go to prom together as a group?” “I have no objection” Tsukasa said. “Me neither” Hijiri added and nodded in agreement. I then gave them a warm smile.“Thanks guys” I answered. CHAPTER 6 – PROM NIGHTFinally, prom night was here at last. Last night my mum texted me suggesting we have a serious talk with me about boys and relationships. A little late for that I thought. I also phoned Fuuto and told him I already had a date for the prom, only to get his manager on the phone. “I’m sorry miss but Fuuto won’t be available to attend Prom that night” he said, “He has another engagement already scheduled for that night”. That’s a relief I thought. Hijiri also got his media contacts to remove the rumour article about me off the internet. It was dragging my name through the mud. “It was nothing,” Hijiri said. “Why is it that I’m the only one who will come to your rescue Anzu. First the stalker and now those rumour mongers. Seriously Anzu, you need someone to look after you.”“She has” Tsukasa replied touching my arm tenderly, “She has us. “ I was touched by Tsukasa’s comment. He knows the right time to say the right thing. If only I could express my feelings to them. Maybe tonight would be the night to say the words I’ve been holding back for so long. Riri was putting the final touches to my curly red hair. My hair was in a tightly but stylish bun that made my neck look longer. Down stairs Saka, Makoto, Junta, Tsukasa and Hijiri were waiting for me. I slowly made my way down the stairs. Not used to wearing high heels and was worried I might trip any time. Riri pushed passed me wearing a cute pink dress. “Ta-daaa” she said waving her hand at my presence. My dress was perfect! My hair was too! I didn’t know that Riri was also good with make-up. I looked like a beautiful princess from a book. Everything was perfect. I looked and felt beautiful. Junta, Tsukasa and Hijiri gazed at me in silence. They were obviously very impressed and didn’t know what to say. My heart began beating hard in my chest. “You look beautiful Anzu” Saka said breaking the silence. She turned to my three escorts and added, “What do you think guys?” “Anzu…” Junta stammered, “You look… incredible.” Sweat appearing on his forehead. “Yeah Anzu” Tsukasa said giving me a warm smile, “You will the prettiest girl at prom.” Hijiri looked me up and down, just like he did on the day we went on our almost date, where he took me to a boutique and brought me a $900 dollar dress. He continued to gaze at me without saying a word. He is probably thinks I’m too tall and that I should change my shoes I thought. Then a small smile appeared on his face. “Exquisite” he said. Wow. This was a first. Hearing something nice coming from Hijiri was a shock. I waited to hear a ‘but’ in his voice but only heard a peaceful silence. I smiled back at Hijiri and stepped forward only to trip on my skirt and fall into his arms. His body felt so warm against mine. I always thought Hijiri’s body would be cold but it wasn’t. “Anzu are you alright?” Junta asked stepping up beside me. I stepped back from Hijiri. The warmth between us disappearing. “Yeah, I’m alright” I answered. “Oh good” Junta said.“Hmm, for a minute there I thought you were throwing yourself at me” Hijiri said, “just like you threw yourself in front of my car.”Ah, the old Hijiri has returned. “First, I didn’t throw myself in front of your car” I answered angrily, “And second it was your car that hit me!” “Let’s not get started on this” Saka interrupted, “don’t we have a prom to go to.”“Saka is right” Makoto agreed.“Fine, let’s go” I said. We made our way out the door. Just then the phone started ringing. Probably mum again, I thought and laughed. The limo arrived at the Prom and the place was packed with cars all around the auditorium. It took a little time for Tsuchiya to get the limo to the front entrance. One by one we emerged and waited for the others to get out of the vehicle. We are coming as a group and we should enter as a group. That’s what friends do.The other students gaped at us as we entered the gym. Just like the parking lot, the auditorium was full of noisy students. “I’ll go grab us some drinks” Junta said as he made his way to the refreshment table on the other side of the room. Saka and Makoto went off onto the dance floor leaving me with Tuskasa and Hijiri. Just then Rena appeared wearing a sparkling, red dress and dragging one of my class mate along with her.“So you showed up at last” Rena said gazing at me and my two escorts. Gazing the longest at Tsukasa. From her gaze, it was obvious that she was still jealous of my closeness with Tsukasa. “So this is the type of girl your into. A complete frizzy freak,” she added.Tsukasa didn’t say anything at first but gently squeezed my hand. “That right” he answered, “So I care for Anzu, deal with it Rena. She’s like no other girl I’ve ever known and if it came to a choice between you and her, I would choice her every time!”Rena was stunned by Tsukasa’s answer and under her breath said, “Meanie”.Rena stormed off with her date trailing behind like a dog on a leash.I was deeply touched by Tsukasa’s words and hug his arm. “That took guts” Junta said as he handed us our drinks. “I must agree with Master Hayami’s statement” Hijiri smiled, “What you did took spirit.”“Yeah, thanks Tsukasa” I said. Before I could add anything else, two large flaming pyrotechnic displays began to light up the stage in front of the students. Then we saw a figure on the stage. As the flames continued to light up the stage, I saw who it was. It was Fuuto on the stage. Girls started to scream with excitement as he started singing ‘Girl, there’s something in your Eyes’. Then he locked eyes on me. Oh no I thought. “Oh man” Tsukasa said. “The kid won’t quit” Junta answered sipping his drink.“Did you know he was coming?” Tsukasa asked Hijiri. “I hadn’t a clue” Hijiri answered, “I’m surprised he would turn up to such a small affair.” I then remembered what his agent told me. Fuuto had another engagement and wouldn’t be attending the prom tonight. Turned out, the engagement he lined up was the prom itself. “Forget him” Tsukasa said, “Let’s dance.” Tsukasa led me to the dance floor. The music was very lively and cheerful and I soon forgot all about Fuuto’s presence at the prom. Tsukasa, Junta and Hijiri all took turns dancing with me. I was the envy of all the girls at the prom. At times, Rena continued to give me deathly stares. But it didn’t bother me. I felt safe within my circle of friends and didn’t think that anyone could ruin it for me. CHAPTER 7 PROM QUEENI could have danced all night long but I wanted to take a breath and get something to drink.“Do you want me to come with you?” Junta asked. “No” I replied, “I’ll be fine.”I slowly made my way to the refreshment table. As I reached out for the punch spoon someone appeared behind me. “Don’t turn around” he whispered in my ear. There was no mistaking that voice anywhere. It was Fuuto. “You have no idea how beautiful you look tonight. A rose ready to be plucked. A real treasure for any man to enjoy.” His hands rested on my arms.“Let me go” I said struggling to break free. He soon removed his hands. “Shame,” he said. “If you were like other girls, you wouldn’t ask me to let you go. No matter, soon enough you will be in my arms again. By hook or by crook.” Not going to happen I thought. Fuuto pulled back and quickly disappeared into the crowd. Quickly I headed back to the dance floor where my group was waiting. I was about to tell them what had just happened when a trumpet sounded on the speakers. The principal appeared on the stage.“It’s time to announce the King & Queen of the Prom” the principal announced, “So all nominees please come to the stage.” Oh great I thought glumly. After all the excitement with Fuuto, I forgot I was nominee for Prom Queen. “Come on Anzu” Saka said grabbing my arm. I shouldn’t worry, Saka just might win and I couldn’t be any happier for her if she won. Everyone lined up. Boys on the right of the stage and girls on the left. “Now our special guest, and pop idol, Mr Fuuto will announce the winners” the principal said. Oh no I thought. This was bad. Fuuto then appeared on the stage wearing a sexy grin on his face. The girls in the crowd screamed while their dates groaned from jealousy. Fuuto locked eyes with me and gave me a secret wink. What was he up to I wondered. The principal handed him two golden envelopes. Opening the first envelope, Fuuto announced, “The winner for Prom King is… Tsukasa Kazuki”. The crowd began to cheer and clap loudly. Girls continued to scream with excitement. Tsukara shielded his face from the crowd’s view. Poor Tsukasa! All his life he has tried to avoid being in the spotlight but tonight there was no escape.The principal approached Tsukasa to place the crown on his head. Tsukasa shook his head making it difficult for the principal to place the crown on it. Junta placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly, while Hijiri shook Tsukasa’s hand. The crowd’s clapping soon died down. “Now the winner for Prom Queen…” Fuuto said looking in my direction and not at the second envelope, “Anzu Hoshino.” The crowd started to clap and cheer for me but other screams echoed on the stage. Not from the crowd but from Rena herself in fury. She ran off the stage in a furious rage.Then the principal approached me and placed the small tiara on my head and handed me a beautiful bouquet of roses. There, attached to the roses, was a card. I opened it and it read:Congratulations Anzu, I knew you would win. Love,Rio/RiriI looked around for Riri in the crowd and saw her standing there in her boy form Rio. He blew me a kiss. My cheeks began to turn red from his gesture and it made me smile.“Now to announce your special surprise for the evening” Principal said, “For winning Prom Queen, the winner will get to dance first dance with the Mr Fuuto.” Tsukasa, Junta and Hijiri were both horrified and angry. They weren’t the only ones. Instead of clapping and cheering, the crowd was silent. “Traditionally we have the Prom Queen and King dance the first dance” the Principal explained, “but the school community decided to change that rule for tonight.”They couldn’t do this? I shouldn’t do this! I was still an inner warrior and refused this unexpected honour. Fuuto then stepped toward me. I wanted to run but my feet couldn’t move. His eyes were nailing me to the spot. Just then Tsukasa appeared and shoved Fuuto aside and quickly grabbed my hand. Fuuto was held back thanks to Junta. The principal then told the DJ to up the music. Tsukasa and I went back to the dance floor. He then took me in his arms and we slowly rocked back and forth to the slow music. I felt happy in Tsukasa arms. I looked back at the stage and saw that Junta and Fuuto still struggling against one another. I turned back to Tsukasa with a grateful smile on my face. “Thank you” I said. “For what” Tsukasa asked.“For rescuing me back there” I answered. “It was long overdue” Tsukara said, “For all the times you saved me and I wanted to return the favour.” Behind him I could see Rio making duck faces at me. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. “Anzu” Tsukasa said, “I have something to tell you.”Oh my, I thought. Could this be it? Was Tsukasa going to finally say ‘I Love You’ to me? If he does, what would I say? Suddenly we heard a loud explosion and confetti burst forth from the confetti cannons. The music became louder and everyone started to dance around us. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and started pulling me though the crowd. I tried to yell for help but no one in the crowd could hear me. Was it Rena taking her revenge for not getting to be prom queen? The aggressor continued to pull me toward the back stage area. My tiara had slipped off my head and onto the floor. What’s going on? This better not be one of Riri’s or Reo’s tricks because, if it is, I’m not backing down. My aggressor pushed me against the wall, his hands gripping my wrists. Then I saw who it was.It was Fuuto. “My dance is long overdue, pretty little minx” he said in an evil voice. CHAPTER 8 SAVE THE LAST DANCEWhat shall I do? “Help me somebody” I screamed, “Somebody, Anybody please help”. Fuuto chuckled evilly. “Scream all you like Anzu” Fuuto said, “No one can hear you with all that loud music going on. Speak of music you owe me a dance as I recall.” “No I don’t” I yelled, “I didn’t agree to this.”“So I saw on the stage.” Fuuto said. “I saw the look of horror when you heard me announce you as Prom Queen. Not once did I see who the real winner was in the envelope.” I know it. “Now I have you all to myself.” I continued to scream and begged Fuuto to let me go. “You look so beautiful when you’re angry or scared. By the time we’re done you will be screaming for more.” Suddenly a fist appeared and knocked Fuuto to the floor. It was Junta. Soon enough Saka, Makoto, Tsukasa, Hijiri and Hijiri’s chauffeur Mr Tsuchiya appeared beside him. “How did you guys find me?” I asked.“Mr Tsuchiya notified me” Hijira replied. “Yes, Miss” Mr Tsuchiya nodded. He then handed me my tiara that I dropped, “I believe this is your”. “Thank you Mr Tsuchiya” I said.Fuuto groaned in pain behind me. “Mr Koganei” Mr Tsuchiya said looking over to Hijiri, “What do you wish me to do with young Mr Fuuto?” Hijiri stared hard at the pop idol and thinking hard. “Have him escorted back to his limo” Hijiri answered then he addressed Fuuto on the floor. “If I see you anywhere near Miss Hoshino again I will see you sued for every penny you’ve got.” Fuuto was helped off the floor by Mr Tsuchiya and Junta, and then he made his way to the back stage exit with Mr Tsuchiya following closely behind. I let out a huge sigh of relief. As we headed back to the dance floor I put a hand on Saka’s hand. “I believe you deserve this more than me” I said as I placed the tiara on Saka’s head. “No, you won this” Saka objected, “You should have it.”“No” I shook my head, “The best woman won. Congratulation, Saka.”Saka started to cry tears of joy. “I don’t know what to say, Anzu?” “I know” Matoko interjected, “let’s dance.”Matoko pulled the speechless Saka onto the dance floor. I couldn’t be happier for her for getting my crown. I then turned to my three escorts.“Thanks guys” I said, “For everything.” I pulled the three of them into a bear hug. We all laughed and smiled; glad to be together this night. Then the principal appeared back on stage. “Ok, this is the last dance for this evening so enjoy it everyone” said the principal. “Anzu” Junta, Tsukasa and Hijiri said at the same time. Oh no. Who should I dance with? Junta? Tsukasa? Or Hijiri? Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. It better not be Fuuto I thought groaning. I turned and saw that it was Rio. “May I have this dance?” Rio asked. I grinned and turned to my escorts.“Go for it” Tsukasa said.“Yeah, Anzu” Junta said, “Rio’s got this.”“I don’t approve of Rio” Hijiri said, “but he makes a good strong impression.” So Rio and I had the final dance that night. While dancing with Rio I realised that I still had to figure out, if I fell in love with anyone, what would become of Riri. Would this mean an end to her? A tear ran down my cheek. “Why are you crying Anzu?” Rio asked, “this is unusual & unlike you.” “I failed” I whispered, “You said I would fall in love with the Prom King but along the way I was caught in Fuuto’s web. I’ve been subject to rumours; nearly lost three of my closest friends and on prom night got abducted by the Playboy Prince. Tsukasa was the only one who came close to expressing his feelings and I still can’t work out if I love him. I failed you and I failed myself.” Instead of feeling disappointed or upset, Riri smiled and chuckled. “Is that what’s troubling you Anzu?” Rio asked as he continue to chuckle. “What’s so funny?” I replied. “I lied to you Anzu,” Rio said. “My boss’s plan was to test your love with each of the boys on their love monitor. And your effects proved to be very fruitful. From the moment Tsukasa rescued you from dancing with Fuuto, Junta rescuing you from Fuuto and Hijira ejecting him from Prom, your heart was pounding hard. You must had felt it, didn’t you Anzu?” I didn’t realise. “So all this time Fuuto was part of your boss’s plan?” I asked. “Sadly yes, Anzu,” Rio replied. “They are sorry for putting you in this horrible predicament. They didn’t realise the danger they put you in. I wanted to step in to help you like last time but they told me not to interfere.”“So it’s over,” I said, “but what has it gotten me in the end? I still haven’t worked out who I love.”Rio placed his hand on my heart. “Your heart will know in time” Rio said as he disappeared in a puff of smoke. My three escorts approached me.“So is Riri staying or going?” Junta asked.Suddenly a letter appeared in my hands, which reads only one word:Staying!I sighed with relief and turned back to them. “Riri is staying,” I said with a smile. Tsukasa placed his hand on my shoulder. “So are you ready to go home?” he asked.I then nodded. Yes, I’ve had enough excitement for tonight. It’s time to go home. Back at my house I rested on the couch, I Phone in hand and still wearing my prom dress. Mum texted me to see how Prom went. I told her it was all good leaving out the incident with Fuuto. The less said the better. Junta decided to turn in because of Baseball Practise and Tsukasa was fixing himself a midnight snack for himself. “Why are you still up?” Tsukasa asked walking over, still wearing his tux. “I’m not tired, yet” I lied letting out a tiny yawn. “This is déjà vu” he said sitting down on the couch with me.“What is?” I asked. “Don’t you remember Anzu?” Tsukara continued. “We were stuck inside during a horrible storm and you suggested that I spend the night here. We played some games. I beat you at Luck and then you fell asleep on my lap.”How could I not forget that night and not realise where it would lead me? “Man, you snored really loudly that night” Tsukara joked.“Hey, I’ll have you know, I snore a pretty normal amount for a teenage girl” I yelled not realising that Tsukara was only joking. “The point is” Tsukara continued, “If I had never met you, I would never have known.”“Known what?” I asked.“Those feelings I felt for you” he said then he leant in and kissed me. Suddenly I started to feel a warmth through-out my body. It felt amazing and I realised that I was lucky to have Tsukara in my life. At different times we both saved each other’s lives and had grow from the experience. A new terrifying thought then appeared in my mind. What to tell Junta, Saka, Hijiri and Matoko tomorrow? THE END